Tuesday, October 04, 2005


[Yes, this is indeed taken from a letter I sent her not long ago]
[Two things:]
[1. It is completely revamped]
[The actual poem worked in her name in the most intricate way]
[Not sure if she, or you, would even notice it though]
[Thus, I worked something else cool into this one]
[OK, nothing world-changing, but each line has 10 syllables]
[Just gives it a little more rhythm]
[2. She hasn't had a chance to respond yet]
[Only halfway looking forward to a response lol]

Do ever the halves of two like hearts meet?
How could love in truth never be so sweet?
This world would not allow love at first sight;
We seek perfection, and find naught but plight.
Nonetheless, our second halves we do seek,
Though another whole our mind would bespeak.
Young hearts will seek what is natural, though
Failures may cause unendurable woe.
In everyone we wish to find but one;
Could this truly never be done?
For a time, he will seek his perfect girl,
And she will also seek her perfect earl,
At least until they understand the truth,
Often only with the waning of youth.
Lately, I have been as such affected;
Desire has made me with you addicted.
Veritably, such love I had long sought,
Even if unrequited love twas not.
Truthfully, you would not call me a friend,
Or even allow me that fact to mend.
Unwilling you have been thus far, it seems,
In this way unlike the girl of one’s dreams.
Such a dreamgirl few men have ever found;
In our minds we know the dream is not sound.
Love is foolish, I see now, is it not?
Tis lewd that in it we should all be caught.
Beautiful you are, so unbelievable;
Only in dreams as such conceivable.
I do regret that you should not be mine,
Yet I saw this might be; I do not pine.
Under the surface, I still do feel pain.
Often my heart aches, slowly does it wane.
All the day I constantly think of you,
Religion, if more, would demand its due!
Enamored it would seem I have become,
Maybe, could it be better to be numb?
Yet, at the very thought my heart cries no!
Must it scream so loudly? For this I know:
Requited love as sweet I may not find,
Elect I still do to wait for that kind.
Thus, know you would be my fascination.
May we each come to this realization:
Gullible people will be in their youth;
Fooled by society’s charms, though uncouth.
When should society be proven wrong?
Last of all, know this: for you I still long.


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