Sunday, January 01, 2006


So, I'm going to wrap up this blog by opening a window. I found a better site to write poetry than blogger, mainly because it was made for art instead of journal entries. A few of the good ones from this blog have been posted on the other site, but some I left alone. Anyway, if you want to read any more of my poetry (and trust me, it has gotten better), go to

Friday, December 16, 2005

of grasses, gold and iron

There was an age when ants with grasses slept,
And peace and comfort always were at hand,
But gold will fade when such is lightly kept;
When lightly kept just flows through grasp as sand.

Then thought, in forming for the soul, should prone,
Should loosen grip, and change an ant, the ant,
And soon, the ant must live as ant alone.
As iron proved, the golden ant must die-

That old age laced with gold, was it a lie?
Now grasses are the enemy of the ant,
And conquest is the only proper way-
For iron must defeat the savage gold.

Monday, December 12, 2005

music man

A music man may never earn a dime
So long as new songs do arrive in time,
For if the first tune to the fifth soon turns,
He learns the first and plays the fifth, no earns!

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Each day this song continues,
Each high note and low note
Adds to this wonderful melody.

Harmonies fade in and out,
Sometimes affecting this melody,
Sometimes affected by this melody.

Thus it has been played
So quietly for years,
Until its audience was all but deaf to it.

Then it was stressed,
Then it wanted to be heard,
But its audience heard no more.

Time had deafened its audience,
As any sound ceases to be heard
When it is present for long.

They heard it no more.
Naught but background noise...
But new audiences found it.

New audiences heard it,
New audiences wanted more,
New audiences heard it...

Why is it
That the constant sound
Should be the one never heard?

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Perfection is an illusion.
However, setting that assumption aside, it would be awesome if there was a girl out there that:
[Not really in an order of importance]
-Is Christian, but not necessarily holding on very hard to a denomination
-Is full of thoughts, open-minded, and intelligent
-Can understand what I am talking about when I ramble
-Has her own ideas about something, preferably a lot of things
-Doesn't worry so much about how she looks, especially if she is beautiful to start off
-Would love to see the world
-Would rather go to New Zealand for her honeymoon than the Bahamas, just because it would be so ordinary otherwise...
-Loves sailing as much as I do, and thinks it would be awesome, even if not really a good idea, to sail to New Zealand on that trip, coming back across the other side to make it a trip around the world
-Knows how to ski, or would learn
-Would go camping
-Loves tranquility and calm, and knows how to find peace
-Has either a good taste in music, or better, loves all music as I do, but just not country
-Is friendly and usually gets along with most anyone; understands people or at least tries to
-Disregards cliques
-Is open to random ideas and thoughts and, at least usually, has a thoughtful reply
-Doesn't mind constant, almost annoying attention/affection, but is the same way
-Is reachable, that is, I could see her often
-Would enjoy a break from life after college to see the world without bondage, without a job to worry about
-Is unpredictable and weird [both meanings]
-Plays an instrument, Clarinet would be awesome
-Even so much as doesn't mind video games [hoping for a girl that plays them is pointless]
-Has that long, brown, curly hair [so awesome]
-Wouldn't mind if I messed up that hair
-Goes to the same school/college as I do
-Can understand my writing
-Is a great writer
That's never going to happen.
But as it stands, let me know if that's you I'm talking about.
The biggest thing I care about is: is she interested in me.
Past that, most everything is negotiable.
Please, don't let this scare you lol.

Monday, October 17, 2005

phase the fourth >> one hundred and sixty

She would answer no more than a bare affirmative, so great was the emotion aroused in her at the thought of going through the world with him as his own familiar friend. Her feelings almost filled her ears like a babble of waves, and surged up to her eyes. She put her hand in his, and thus they went on, to a place where the reflected sun glared up from the river, under a bridge with a molten-metallic glow that dazzled their eyes, though the sun itself was hidden by the bridge. They stood still, wherupon little furred and feathered heads popped up from the smooth surface of the water; but, finding that the disturbing presences had paused, and not passed by, they disappeared again. Upon this river-brink they lingered till the fog began to close round them - which was very early in the evening at this time of the year - settling on the lashes of her eyes, where it rested like crystals, and on his brows and hair.

[From Tess of the D'Urbervilles]
[OK, now read it with notes because I am in love with this paragraph]

She would answer no more than a bare affirmative, so great was the emotion aroused in her at the thought of going through the world with him as his own familiar friend. Her feelings almost filled her ears like a babble of waves, and surged up to her eyes. She put her hand in his, and thus they went on, to a place where the reflected sun glared up from the river, under a bridge with a molten-metallic glow that dazzled their eyes, though the sun itself was hidden by the bridge. They stood still, wherupon little furred and feathered heads popped up from the smooth surface of the water; but, finding that the disturbing presences had paused, and not passed by, they disappeared again. Upon this river-brink they lingered till the fog began to close round them - which was very early in the evening at this time of the year - settling on the lashes of her eyes, where it rested like crystals, and on his brows and hair.

Similar colors for a letter or two shows alliteration and similar sounds.
Like is highlighted because there are two similes.
The bolded words represent a bridge or something that covers.
The red words represent body parts.
The italicized words have to do with water.
The brows and lashes are similar to the bridge, because they are part of the same metaphor.
The eyes relate to water because of the film over them.

I believe the glow that the passage refers to is a metaphor for the hopes and aspirations of the couple, you know, the light at the end of the tunnel, or the reflection of the sun under a bridge. I believe the sun is a metaphor for the future itself, because they can't see it in the present, they can only get a glimpse, a reflection, of what is to come. The bridge, their youth, blocks them from seeing their true future. The crystals relate to beauty, to the beauty of youthful hopes of the future and the beauty of the moment, and this is extended, because it settles on their lashes, their hair, their brows, which all allude to their youth, meaning that the moment draws on their youth and creates beauty. Their love is untested, true, young love, protected by a bridge that they have not yet wandered from underneath. The fog shows that they are blind in their youth, that they cannot see the future, though such blindness may be bliss, as crystals form on their lashes. Such beauty comes early in life just as the fog comes early in the evening. Finally, the heads of the animals popping up allude to worries they may have for the future. Because they need not worry yet, they think of them only for a moment, and because the "disturbing presence" of time, of experience, has not passed, they return back into the water.
Awesome stuf in this paragraph: alliteration, simile, metaphor, leitmotif (water, bridge, body parts)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I give up. There is so much she just doesn't get at this age. There is no point in trying to get to know her, because she is blind; she can't see that I am worth her time, and she has a few revelations to go before she would. It drives me CRAZY that I probably won't be there when she comes to understand love as I do. I HATE THAT. Had to vent on my MySpace earlier, but I still didn't get it all out.
That didn't help.